BlueShape is introducing several new products including:
3 High Rate discharge 3 stud GRANITE TWO series batteries
BG100HDtwo – 94Wh
BG190HDtwo – 190Wh
BG270HDtwo – 266Wh
3 High Capacity 3 stud GRANITE TWO batteries
BG090two – 90Wh
BG150two – 150Wh
BG180two – 180Wh
3 IP65 3 stud SPLASH GRANITE TWO batteries
BG100HDtwo – 94Wh
BG190HDtwo – 190Wh
BG270HDtwo – 266Wh
A new 3-studPower Station
….and so much more. I love my BlueShape batteries. Looking forward to checking our their booth at NAB2018.
Head over to for all the latest information.